We’re Looking for Motivated Young People with Grit and Determination
Know of someone you’d like to nominate for the program? Here’s why you should consider:
Our program is designed to help motivated young people who need the space to thrive with a sturdy foundation for success. We enhance the education of our scholars by providing individualized guidance and maintaining stability and structure in a nurturing environment. Each scholar participates in many enrichment opportunities to support academic and personal development. The Hope Ignites experience is a long-term, voluntary, holistic scholarship program.
Applicants for Hope Ignites must be:
- Grit, ambition, and motivation coupled with positive goals and a cooperative work ethic
- Capacity to thrive in an academically rigorous setting and complete challenging coursework
- Willingness to adapt to our family-like environment and embrace high expectations for pro-social behavior
- Demonstrated readiness on the part of the guardian to collaborate with program personnel and accompany their child on the journey to academic achievement and personal growth
- Significant need for services, evidenced by community and family risk factors, and lack of access to quality education

Family is integral to every scholar’s success.
Partnership with parents and guardians is essential to the Hope Ignites program. We work closely with families and include parents in goal setting and decisions related to their scholars’ health, well-being and academic achievement. Scholars who join the program are expanding their family-like network to include other Hope Ignites scholars, collegians, alumni, team members, and mentors from the community.
Although Hope Ignites Baltimore is not a traditional family service agency, many parents and guardians benefit from services provided by the program, including information on, and referral to, community resources, parenting guidance, crisis intervention, and informal counseling.
As a parent or guardian, please contact [email protected] for information regarding your relationship with and expectations from Hope Ignites.