We are Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baltimore

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baltimore helps motivated high school students rise above disadvantaged backgrounds. Our goal is to graduate young people who are physically, emotionally, and academically prepared for post-secondary education and productive life, breaking barriers so they can become community-minded leaders.

Boys Hope Girls Hope firmly believes that young people have the power to overcome adversity, realize their potential, and help transform our world. They create these successes when we remove obstacles, support and believe in them, and provide environments and opportunities that build on their strengths.

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baltimore is a proud member of the Boys Hope Girls Hope Network. Our Network Headquarters, located in St. Louis, Missouri, connects, provides leadership to, and offers signature college-preparatory programming to affiliates across the nation, Mexico, and Guatemala. Each affiliate is independently incorporated, governed by its own board of directors, and responsible for its own fundraising. Affiliation and services agreements link the Network to ensure mission and brand fidelity, quality operations, maximum functional capacity, and consistency in training, programmatic standards, and best practices.
girls studying in library


To nurture and guide motivated young people in need to become well-educated, career-ready men and women for others.


These are the fundamental and distinctive characteristics of our organization.

Academic Focus

We believe in the transformative power of education to develop lifelong learners.

Service and Community Engagement

We believe in the Jesuit-inspired, values-centered hallmark of building “persons for others.”

Family-like Settings to Create a Sense of Belonging

We believe youth derive their energy and sustenance from exposure to nurturing environments.

Long-Term and Comprehensive Commitment

We believe an enduring relationship with youth holds the most promise for attaining positive outcomes.

Faith-Based Values

We believe that a loving God cares about the life of every individual and we manifest this belief.

Voluntary Participant Commitment

We believe in the motivational power of self-selection into the Boys Hope Girls Hope program.
graduation celebration thumbs up


Since 2002, BHGH of Baltimore has been helping scholars rise up from disadvantaged backgrounds and strive for more. BHGH of Baltimore serves youth who want to go to college and create successful futures for themselves. Our scholars have joined our program to receive support on their journey to college and beyond. They seek the academic resources, extracurricular opportunities, and mentor relationships we provide.

See how Boys Hope Girls Hope is prioritizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


Boys Hope Girls Hope was founded in 1977 in St. Louis, Missouri by Rev. Paul Sheridan, SJ.  Since that time, the program has been replicated across the US and in Latin America. Below are key highlights from our affiliate’s history.


Boys Hope Girls Hope opened in Baltimore and was housed in the convent of Our Lady of Pompei Church in the Highlandtown neighborhood of Baltimore.


Founding Board Members of Boys Hope Girls Hope purchased a lot in Northeast Baltimore and built the boys home.


With the generosityof the television program, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, the girls howme was built.


Three original Boys Hope Scholars become the first college graduates from the Baltimore program!

Marc Franklin – Boston College
Michael Franklink – Haverford College
David Yeager – Bachelor’s UMBC  and Master’s Morgan State 2014


Boys Hope Girls Hope Celebrates 15th anniversary!


Boys Hope Girls Hope celebrates its 40th anniversary!


The Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baltimore Board of Directors and staff leadership collaborate to ensure mission fidelity, financial stewardship and transparency. This team of professionals is committed to continuous learning, effective programming and improvement through impact evaluation and innovation.

Arlene Hackbarth

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baltimore is pleased to announce the appointment of Arlene Hackbarth as the organization’s Executive Director. Arlene has a passion for service, coupled with extensive expertise in adolescent development, residential programming and non-profit leadership. A long-time resident of Baltimore, Arlene Hackbarth is a graduate of Loyola University. She is a licensed professional counselor (LCPC) with more than 35 years of experience, including leadership positions at The Baltimore Station, as well as Catholic Charities.

Demetria Jackson

As the Program Director, Demetria joined the Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baltimore team in September 2019. Her role is to oversee all the programming for the scholars in the residential programs for both boys and girls. Demetria received her Masters of Science in Human System Management from the University of Baltimore and her Masters of Education from Coppin State University. The former Dean of Students at Good Sheppard Services, she has also been a foster parent for over 17 years, providing a safe home for more than 20 Baltimore youth in need. She has worked as a women’s basketball coach in schools and colleges. Her extensive experience leading and mentoring young people is a valuable asset for Boys Hope Girls Hope.

Kiley Dare

Kiley joined the Boys Hope Girls H0pe of Baltimore team in August 2022 as the Administrative Coordinator. Her role is to oversee all administrative and development operations for the program. Kiley has a diverse background, working with people of all ages. She spent eight years working for a progressive, K-8 arts-integrated charter school in Baltimore City. Kiley is also a certified personal trainer and 200 hour yoga teacher and has a passion for movement. She has spent more than ten years helping people lead healthier lifestyles. In addition, she has offered administrative support to several non-profits, including an organization that is focused on trauma-informed training for teachers and first responders, as well as social justice training for the workplace. Baltimore is happy to welcome Kiley to the team.


David Robinson

David Robinson

Chair & Finance Committee

Vice President, Area Sales Manager, First National Bank Corp.

John Goles

John Goles


Senior VP, Janney Montgomery Scott LLC

Matthew Schofield, Esq.

Matthew Schofield, Esq.

Board Treasurer

Associate, Venable LLP

Jaclyn Pavelec

Jaclyn Pavelec


Senior Proposal Manager, American Institutes for Research

Gina Campbell

Gina Campbell

Program Committee Chair

Founder, The Campbell Foundation

Jacqueline Crosby

Jacqueline Crosby

Development Committee

Director CMADS Customer Service, CareFirst

Darryl Farrow

Darryl Farrow

Development Committee

Chief Diversity Equity & Inclusion Officer, McCormick Global Headquarters

Andrew Hilger

Andrew Hilger

Development Committee

President (retired), Allegis Group

Bryce Legg

Bryce Legg

Development Committee

Senior Vice President, Baird

Julian Lloyd

Julian Lloyd

Development Committee

Business Development Professional, Siemens Healthineers

Ray McLaughlin

Ray McLaughlin

Finance Committee

Managing Partner, AltaVista Startegic Partners

Tanya M. Robinson

Tanya M. Robinson

Development Committee

Executive Director of Medicare, Kaiser Permanente

Noah Wheeler

Noah Wheeler

Development Committee

Director of Enterprise Sales, MidAtlantic Driven Tech

Matthew J. Youssef, Esq.

Matthew J. Youssef, Esq.

Development Committee

Partner, Niles, Barton & Wilmer, LLP


Larry Elias Jennings
James J. Railey
Mike Dunn
Kevin P. McCarthy
Barry Herman
Richard Zink